Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

Marketing Strategies for Success in Asia Pacific Gaming: Best Practice Analysis

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60Conclusion 60Regional variations 61PRODUCT-RELATED ISSUES 66Pricing 66Hardware issues
67Piracy: a bane for some, a blessing in disguise for others 68Launch strategies: regional or
staggered launch 68SOFTWARE SUPPORT: 68Software support 68Console and game interaction
68GAME-SPECIFIC MARKETING 68Pre-launch 68Launch 68Post-launch 68COMPETITOR
POSITIONING 68Overall positioning 68Game genre positioning 68Audience positioning 68Device
features positioning 68Device price positioning 68Marketing themes 68PlayStation 2
68Datamonitor’s opinion 68Xbox 68Datamonitor’s opinion 68GameCube 68Datamonitor’s opinion
68Comparing Sony and Microsoft marketing strategies in Asia Pacific 68Microsoft 68Datamonitor’s
opinion 68Sony 68Datamonitor’s opinion 68Conclusion 68SWOT ANALYSIS 68Sony’s PlayStation 2
68Strengths 68Weaknesses 68Opportunities 68Threats 68Datamonitor’s opinion 68Microsoft’s Xbox
68Strengths 68Weaknesses 68Opportunities 68Threats 68Datamonitor’s opinion 68Nintendo’s
GameCube 68Strengths 68Weaknesses 68Opportunities 68Threats 68Datamonitor’s opinion
68Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance 68Strengths 68Weaknesses 68Opportunities 68Threats
68Datamonitor’s opinion 68CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS 68Pre-launch 68Marketing mix
68Targeted audience during pre-launch 68Marketing messages 68Launch 68Marketing mix
68Targeted audience during launch 68Marketing message 68Post-launch 68Marketing mix
68Targeted audience during post-launch 68Marketing message 68Non-marketing factors
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Marketing Strategies for Success in Asia Pacific Gaming: Best
Practice Analysis

Description: Introduction
The multi billion dollar gaming market is in a dynamic phase, new entrants and new product
developments at all stages of the value chain are creating a tough competitive environment. This
report examines the market environment, provides analysis of customer characteristics and
identifies a blueprint for marketing success including media usage, competitor positioning and best
practice examples.
- Overview of the market environment, analysis of the gaming value chain, flow of customer
influences and emerging sectors such as wireless gaming
- Gives an in-depth understanding of usage of above the line and below the line marketing
activities for all stages of your product or service launch
- Discusses the major competitor's strategies, positioning, use of media, successes and failures and
how to apply these lessons to your business
- Gives clear and concise action points that form an insightful marketing plan that is equally
relevant to competitors across the value chain
Report Highlights
Marketing messages and overall marketing mix remain similar throughout Asia Pacific, which allows
for regional marketing planning. Where as Europe is a highly localized market, this study reveals
that there is little localization in terms of marketing in regions. Changes are made, however, to
tackle languages, regulations and to avoid cultural faux pas.
Sony had a poor online strategy. Despite the media featuring prominently in its marketing strategy
it had two core weaknesses Firstly it relied on traditional approaches of pop ups/banners
throughout all marketing stages, which customers were already bored of and secondly, it did not
create good synergies between online and offline as Xbox did.
Begin marketing 8 months before launch date dedicate 60% of budget to pre-launch spend 60% of
the budget on above-the-line marketing (ATL), 40% on below-the-line marketing (BTL) of which
online marketing should be 30%: use limited online banners to build a presence online and to
create awareness, avoid clutter, bring in guerilla marketing.
Reasons to Purchase
- Existing competitors can benchmark strategies against the industry best practice and gain an
understanding of channel usage, market characteristics and a successful marketing plan
- Potential entrants learn the critical success factors for each stage of product or service launches,
competitor’s marketing strategies and usage of media
- A clear and targeted marketing campaign is vital in any business but perhaps no more so than in
the Gaming industry. Knowledge of industry practice is vital.
2 MARKET CONTEXT 32Market value 32Value chain 35A value chain dominated by publishers
35Developers 36Publishers 38Distributors 38Retailers 39Issues 39Gaming influence in Asia Pacific
40Little localisation 42Wireless gaming: the future of gaming? 42Who is is the Asia-Pacific online
gamer? 43MEDIA-RELATED ISSUES 46Above-the-line marketing 48Magazines – specialists
50Magazines – mass-market 51Newspapers 51Radio 52TV 52Cinema 53Outdoors 53Conclusion
54Below-the-line marketing 54Online 56Point Of Sale promotions 57Mailing 58PR 59Events

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