Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

More Difficult urination Pus Treated

Jakarta, gonorrhea disease or sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is daunting. The bad news, the disease is more difficult to treat. Healing with antibiotics is not effective.

World Health Organization (WHO) says there is increasing resistance (immune) disease gonorrhea to antibiotics, so that infectious disease is more difficult to treat.

Whereas if left untreated, gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility in women.

Although often asymptomatic, this bacterial infection can cause pain during urination and pus out after two to ten days. If not treated, the disease can progress to arthritis, blisters, blisters on the skin, and infections of the heart or brain.

Often mutually sexual partners the risk of contracting the disease is triggered. Oral sex is also vulnerable to infectious disease gonorrhea.

According to Professor Cathy Ison from the Health Protection Agency's Centre for Infection, case reports from around the country showed resistant infections can be extremely difficult to treat.

"WHO is the first meeting discuss gonorrhea and indication of the scale of global threats," says Professor Ison. Worldwide, there are more than 6 million cases per year, which is very worrying, as reported by the Independent, Tuesday (30/3/2010).

According to Professor Ison, in Japan there are patients who have failed therapy and a number of other countries have been affected. In England, they have seen increasing reports to the National Reference Laboratory (for bacterial sexually transmitted), which indicates that these bacteria become less vulnerable.

He thought he began to see the failure of gonorrhea treatment. And this is the major reason to worry. When single-dose treatment with antibiotics, administered orally or by injection, usually enough to clean the infection and prevent progression.

Resistance to antibiotics appears on all the bacteria from time to time, but gonorrhea is' a clever little germs, which become increasingly difficult to be treated for decades.

Between the years 2003 and 2005, the standard treatment with antibiotics ciprofloxacin removed and replaced with a newer class of antibiotics called cephalosporins.

Now doctors have run out of options. They were forced to use less effective drugs which are not resistant. But these treatments prolong and increase the risk of further spread, if the patient had sex with a new partner.

Professor Ison said that the need for different strategies for treatment of gonorrhea. It may take multiple treatments with two drugs at the same time, or one on a different day.

Selecting an effective antibiotic can be a challenge because the organism that causes gonorrhea is very flexible and have developed resistance to antibiotics very quickly. Penicillin is used for many years until no longer effective and a number of other drugs have also been used.

If this issue is not resolved, then there is a significant possibility that gonorrhea infection would be very difficult to treat.

However, the gonorrhea infection can be avoided if people practice safe sex and be faithful to one partner.

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