Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Vaginal Shrinking Because No Sexual Activity

Jakarta, Women who do not have a sex partner, menopausal women, nursing mothers sometimes experience sexual forms of depreciation. Condition called vaginal atrophy occurs because of the declining estrogen hormones that make vaginal tissue thinning, more dry, less elastic and more fragile.

For some women, vaginal atrophy can make intercourse painful, so naturally could reduce interest in sex.

As quoted from the Mayo Clinic, Wednesday (30/3/2010) one way to prevent or reduce the problem of vaginal atrophy is through sexual activity either with or without a partner.

Because sexual activity can increase blood flow to the vagina that help maintain healthy vaginal tissues. For women who do not have a partner to masturbate can strengthen the vaginal wall.

"One of the best ways to prevent vaginal atrophy are to maintain blood circulation in the genitals through sexual intercourse or masturbate regularly. If it does not have a sexual partner, then masturbation is a great way to ensure the vaginal walls stay strong, not dry (lubricated) and healthy, "said Dr. Laura Berman, as reported by Everydayhealth.

Vaginal atrophy who moderate or severe are usually characterized by symptoms such as dryness in the vagina, feel like burning, burning sensation when urinating, urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence (beser), sometimes bleeding after sexual intercourse, discomfort when exposed, vagina and watery vaginal canal which progressively shortened or tightened.

The cause of vaginal atrophy is the decrease of the hormone estrogen, which make vaginal tissue becomes thinner, drier, less elastic and more fragile.

This decrease was likely occurs after menopause, menopause, during lactation, after surgical removal of both ovaries, pelvic radiation therapy for cancer, side effects of chemotherapy and hormonal treatment of breast cancer or no longer have sexual relations during the age of menopause yet.

A study shows one of the risk factors of vaginal atrophy is never given birth vaginally (normal). The researchers observed that women who had never been a normal birth are more susceptible to vaginal atrophy.

Besides, smoking can also be a trigger factor for cigarette can disturb the circulation of the blood and reduces the effects of estrogen in the body naturally.

If you experience dryness or irritation of the vagina, one could use a vaginal moisturizer, lubricant (liquid) water-based and try to take the time to be more stimulated during intercourse.

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