Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Body Weight Affect Healing When Sick Children

Jakarta, Children who are overweight would be more resilient when faced with malaria. But that obese children should be more vigilant if exposed to dengue fever or bird flu.

While for typhus, body weight usually does not affect the healing process. We recommend that parents keep their children lose weight at a normal range to be more resistant to infection.

"People usually see the chubby baby who was funny and cute, but not necessarily a fat baby is healthy and has the immune system (immune system), which compares favorably with other babies," said Dr. Kiki Madiapermana Kustiman Samsi, SpA, in the event Pfizer MKes Class Journalist with the theme The Future of Nutrition and the Young Generation in Wisma GKBI, Jakarta, Tuesday (30/3/2010).

When germs enter the body usually will deal first with cells that serves as a stronghold of the skin, mucosa, lung and oral mucosa. After reaching the bacteria in the body will be faced with immune cells.

If infection occurs, the body takes over 10 days to form lymphocytes and it takes 14 days for the lymphocytes to eradicate the infection.

"The more ugly or someone poor nutritional condition, then the time required to eradicate the infection will stay longer. It is because the cells are less mature or has been sluggish. But if nutritional well the faster the infection eradicated," says doctor practicing in Kemang Medical Care.

Some infectious diseases, recovery factors can be influenced by body weight owned. "If a child already has a good nutritional intake, hence indirectly that she already had a standard of protection. And the children with normal nutrition will have a good balance between Pro inflammation and anti-inflammatory," the doctor said the birth of Bandung 41 years ago.

If one part of the body exposed to infection, it will rise to inflammation and the body will automatically produce Pro inflammation (such as IL8 or TNF-alpha) to stop the inflammation. If the infection is cured, the body will produce anti-inflammatory (such as IL10 and anti-TNFalfa) to stop the work of Pro inflammation.

This is important because if excessive levels terlau Pro inflammation will lead to damage in the area around the infection. But if an excessive antiinflammatory will make germs wiped out and hard to survive in the area.

In children who have poor nutrition or more, there will be an imbalance of Pro inflammation and antiinflammatory.

"We recommend that children should not be given drugs that can enhance the immune system, because of fear of infection when the immune system mice are tired of making children more susceptible to infection. Therefore let all the optimal nutrients derived from foods such as vegetables and fruits," said the doctor who joined the Indonesian Association of Pediatricians (IDAI).

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